Training purpose selection is required.
Training plan selection is required.
BMC Helix Digital Workplace is a self-service application for business users to connect with IT and HR anywhere, anytime, on any device. This course introduces the users to the key features, sets end-user functions, customizes the UI, enables self-service, configures product functionalities, and approves the application’s basic license.
Administrators can now configure any supported device for self-service, enter trouble tickets, enhance ticket fulfillment for user display, and contact IT. Through its integration with BMC Helix ITSM: Smart IT, it also provides an intuitive experience with Catalog, business approvals, notifications, knowledge articles, and the search function.
This Self-Paced Training (SPT) course contains only an instructor video that includes a demonstration of recorded lab exercises. However, it offers closed captioning in five additional languages: French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Italian. The multilingual closed captioning is generated using artificial intelligence(AI) and machine translation so that more customers can benefit from our courses.
Important Note: Self-Paced Training (SPT) courses are comprised of a course instructor video that includes a demonstration of recorded lab exercises. To request eBooks and labs for the SPT course, follow the instructions contained in the Introduction Module contained in the SPT course. Please note that each Enterprise Education Subscription Customer has access to a limited number of eBooks and labs for Self-Paced Training. Refer to BMC Education Services' Policies, Terms and Conditions. Access to the course recording expires on the expiration date of the subscription.
Link to Course Abstract